Bradley Beal Girlfriend Kamiah Adams Announces Pregnancy

Bradley Beal Girlfriend Kamiah Adams Announces Pregnancy with Baby Bump

We are proud to announce that Bradley Beal and his girlfriend are having a baby. The news surfaced after his girlfriend took the liberty to spread the joy on social media.

Check out how Bradley Beal girlfriend Kamiah Adams told the world…

Bradley Beal Girlfriend Kamiah Adams Announces Pregnancy with Baby Bump Once again, a HUGE congratulation to Bradley Beal and Kamiah Adams who are expecting their bundle of joy soon.

No Stork deliveries here, this work was all Washington Wizards point guard Bradley Beal. LOL, Kamiah is ready to give birth anytime now.

Kamiah Adams Announcement on Instagram went like this:

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

We are overwhelmed with love, joy, and happiness to welcome our new little blessing. Words can’t begin to describe how much we love you already!! Beyond thankful that God saw us fit to be your parents!!Bradley, Kamiah, 5 dogs +1 ?? coming soon… mommy and daddy can’t wait to meet you little one (& hopefully you have mommy’s Hair and not daddy’s ? sorry @bradbeal3 lol) see you soon pumpkin… ?? ??


She playfully added while wearing Bradley’s jeans:

When your jeans no longer fit, but your hubbys do ?????

Bradley Beal Girlfriend Kamiah Adams Announces Pregnancy with Baby Bump

Way to go Kamiah, you’ve taken the next step in locking down your man. She’s def secured the bag and an opt to join E!’s WAGS.

Just saying!

Over the past season Bradley Beal has become more of a playmaker, this according to Scott Brooks, head coach of the Washington Wizards. Though, Beal averaged a career-high 4.5 assists per game and used a higher percentage of team possessions than ever before.

All and all Bradley is winning on and off the court for 2018.