Colin Kaepernick Donating ALL Jersey Sales Back into the Communities

Colin Kaepernick Donating ALL Jersey Sales Back into the Communities

Yesterday we told you that Colin Kaepernick No. 7 jersey is the #1 best selling jersey in the NFL. Now Colin Kaepernick Donating ALL Jersey Sales Back into the Communities!!!

Colin Kaepernick voice is being heard to help the black communities. Find out more on what he plans to do…

Colin Kaepernick Donating ALL Jersey Sales Back into the Communities has just got word via Colin Kaepernick that he plans to give back to the communities that NEED help.

Kaepernick’s jersey sales are at an all time high for the NFL quarterback, so the San Francisco 49ers star is paying it forward. Now that the initial outraged of his sit down has subsided, Kaepernick’s jersey went from 20th best seller on his team to #1 on the team to #1 in the ENTIRE league.

Yes, the silent man is the one who usually has the LOUDEST VOICE! Like Malcom X, and Martin Luther King Jr, Colin Kaepernick is on his way to greatness. We hope he continues to shine, but now that he is giving back to the communities, the next step should be town hall meetings with communities and police so they understand and STOP oprressing the black communities. It’s just our opinion.

Earlier today Colin took to his Instagram to announce what he plans to do with all the monies made for the jersey sales.

His Instagram post reads as:

“I want to thank everyone who has shown me love and support, it truly means a lot! I wasn’t expecting my jersey sales to jump to number one because of this, but it shows the people’s belief that we can achieve justice and equality for ALL!”

“The only way I can repay you for the support is to return the favor by donating all the proceeds I receive from my jersey sales back into the communities! I believe in the people, and WE can be the change!”