OMG! Steelers running back DeAngelo Williams and Browns tight end Gary Barnidge made the leap at Loyly Helsinki in Finland!!
You have to see the craziest video of DeAngelo Williams and Gary Barnidge Ice Swimmig… has two videos of DeAngelo Williams and Gary Barnidge taking the challenge of jumping into 34 degree water.
The guys are in Finland as part of the American Football Without Barriers program which helps spread the game to other countries.
It’s a tradition to do a cold plunge into the ocean waters in the warm 20 degree tempatures of Finland. We’re getting cold just watching the video.
Watch DeAngelo Williams and Gary Barnidge take the plunge at Loyly Helsinki:
Later, Atlanta Falcons Pro Bowl center Alex Mack learned it’s hard to do a snow angel in hard snow.
Watch Alex try to make a SNOW ANGELS, TOPLESS: