While Cam Newton was praising the Legendary Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning, Did Cam Newton SHADE Peyton Manning???
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During a goodbye speech that Cam Newton posted on Instagram we noticed the he gave Manning a back-handed compliment. It was a very nice farewell speech until you get to the HGH part which was hidden in the post.
Here is what Cam posted, but notice when you get to the “You set the bar H1GH….extremely H1GH” you will notice that high is spelled H 1 GH which is Human Growth Hormone. So SHADY Cam!
Anyways read the speech along with the photo above. With friends like Cam Newton, who needs an enemy:
“I am grateful to have shared the field in your LAST game but most importantly I am grateful to have mimicked a style you created to bring out the best in MË! And that style is/was mastering the art of: PREPARAT1ØN. You have changed this game in ways you will never no and I admire the man you are on and off the field. You set the bar H1GH…
…extremelyH1GH and knowing your family, I know that’s just the norm. I came into this league gagging and still gagging my talents to this day off of the things that YOÜ have done and accomplished; because you are and you will FOREVER be the STANDARD! So long SHER1FF!
#omahaOMAHA #1STpickGÄNG #iWmW
What do you think?
Did Cam get shady or was he 100 about his praise?