This weekend Golden State Warriors and U.S. Olympic team forward Draymond Green has taken the attention off his lawsuit with a Gigantic Penis Photos on social media!!!
Flip and find out what happened to MSU player Jermaine Edmondson and how Draymond Green + his Peen made headlines this morning… has just learned that Draymond Green went on record Sunday apologizing for posting a picture of his penis on social media.
At first Draymond Green tried to deny and claim he was hacked like most athletes and celebs, but then he manned up, being honest about the peen pic.
Here’s his first Tweets:
The Golden State Warriors and U.S. Olympic team forward really knows how to take focus off his lawsuit because he accidentally posted a photo of his unit on twitter for about 10 minutes Sunday afternoon on Snapchat. Once he realized what he did he immediately took down the photo, but NOT in time before several sites screen grabbed the penis photo. Now we all know what Draymond Green is working with.
Draymond Green apologized saying:
“I kinda hit the wrong button and it sucks. It was meant to be private. We’re all one click away from placing something in the wrong place and I suffered from that this morning.”
Obviously he was engaging with someone in hopes to get his freak on. However, Green said he knew instantly he made a mistake and took the photo down.
“It was a situation where it was meant to be a private message,” Green said. “I kinda hit the wrong button and it sucks. It was meant to be private. We’re all one click away from placing something in the wrong place, and I suffered from that this morning.”
Green made his comments prior to Team USA’s practice at the Toyota Center.
We previously told you that Jermaine Edmondson was suing Draymound. Well now we have the answers and it’s NOT what Edmondson wanted. ESPN has this report in regards to Green’s lawsuit with Jermaine Edmondson:
Earlier in July, Green reached a plea agreement that will allow him to avoid jail time and reduced the charges he faced for allegedly slapping a Michigan State University football player and for a noise violation.
Green will pay a $500 fine and a $60 restitution fee for the incident. He was arrested July 10 in East Lansing, Michigan, after police saw him slap MSU player Jermaine Edmondson, who has since been released from MSU’s team to play elsewhere. Edmondson’s release was not related to the incident with Green, MSU officials said.
What do you think?