What Did Johnny Manziel Just Do

Johnny Manziel

You might be asking “What Did Johnny Manziel Just Do”, but we are hearing that the former first-round draft Johnny Manziel just got a job!!!

Find out what is up with Johnny Manziel on the flip…

Johnny Manziel

CelebNMusic247.com is hearing via TO that Johnny Manziel and his NFL future is basically ready to be flushed in the toilet, but there is hope yet for the party boy.

Johnny Manziel’s options seem to be  dwindling down as well, since he can always move back in with his parents, this way there is no more overhead of rent.

Or he could opt to take Jason Strauss up on a branding offer that could end up being the smartest move of his non-NFL career.

Word is, the man formerly known as Johnny Football has just gotten some great career advice from  Jason Strauss, the mastermind behind some of the most successful nightclub and restaurant brands.

According to the water cooler talk, Jason Strauss, who is know for his successful endeavors over the past ten years with Marquee, TAO, Avenue and LAVO could be right up Johnny Football’s alley.

Strauss posted this on social media:

“Trying to convince Jonny Football @jmanziel2 that if the NFL doesn’t work out, he would make a kick ass Vip Host.”

Meet Johnny VIP host.

Yep, that’s probably Manziel’s future, since he is  the Scott Disick of the NFL.


Way to throw millions away, right?  But he can look at the bonus, when his former teammates wanna party  Johnny VIP can hook them up as long as the hook him up tip wise.

You thought we were making this up huh? Nope!

We will keep you posted…

What are your thoughts on Johnny Manziel as a VIP host?
