First the Oscars keep it white, then Stacey Dash wants to abolish Black History Month and now Lil Wayne Sells Out With Slavery Ad for Superbowl!!! has the tea on the new Lil Wayne Super Bowl commercial that was meant to be funny, but our American history with Slavery says otherwise…
Do you think Lil Wayne Sells Out With Slavery Ad?
Once again, Lil Wayne reveals that he’s NOT up on his history, since he said yes to new Super Bowl ad. Now we understand we should all laugh at ourselves and our culture, but this commercial has too many undertones that point to slavery.
First, this commercial mocks the hit series The Jeffersons, and then uses one of histories most notorious President who was a known for owning many slaves. Then to ad salt into a wound that has NEVER really held is Wayne making an apple pie for George (A notorious Slave owner).
In the video, you see Lil Wayne and co-star George Washington in a Super Bowl commercial this year, but some people are taking issue.
Wayne is seen cooking for George, the President, who famously owned slaves. The ad is for and also features Jeff Goldblum and a gospel choir singing ‘Jeffersons’ theme “Moving On Up.”
It just comes off like another white writer was trying to be funny using a 70s pop culture iconic couple “George and Weezy” being all chummy while getting ready to watch the Super Bowl at a roof top BBQ.
Instead it just leaves a bad taste in our mouth.
The ad is low-key racist due to Washington’s history as a slaver, but Wayne’s camp doesn’t see it that way … at all. A source very close to him says the commercial is “meant to be funny and silly and not the least bit offensive.”