Rae Carruth Pens Apology to Cherica Adams Grandmother

Rae Carruth Pens Apology to Cherica Adams Grandmother

Rae Carruth is set for release from prison on October 22, after serving 17 years in prison for orchestrating the death of Cherica Adams. She was 7-months pregnant with his child at the time of her murder.

The former Carolina Panthers player Rae Carruth son Chancellor Lee Adams, is now 18 and has cerebral palsy as a result of his mother’s murder while he was still in utero. Read on to see why Rae has now decided to speak out about his wrong doings…

Rae Carruth Pens Apology to Cherica Adams Grandmother

CelebNSports247.com has the latest from Rae Carruth who penned an open letter breaking his silence just 8-months before his release from prison.

Rae Carruth claims that Chancellor Lee Adams alone is the reason he’s finally deciding to break his silence.

An open-letter to Saundra Adams is the way Carruth has chosen to share his side of the story. Over the years, Chancellor’s grandmother has done interviews that Carruth claims haven’t always been truthful. Therefore, he spent days working on a letter that would offer his version of the truth to Adams and the world for the first time.

He released a lengthy open letter to Cherica Adams’ mother, Saundra Adams via wbtv.com which states:

“I cannot begin to imagine the hardships and sorry you’ve had to endure behind all of this, and I am sorry for every bit of it. Having had time to look back and ponder on how the events of that night unfolded, I want you to know that I take full responsibility for everything. I could have done a better job of keeping Cherica and Chancellor out of harm’s way.”


You might notice that Rae is still NOT OWNING UP to his WRONGS or that he played an active role in her MURDER. #SMH

He also states that “lust was the tie that bound us, not like or love.”

He continues to deny his relationship with Cherica which would establish a motive for paternity and pre-cursor to child support. Carruth seems to bury himself in denial and lies in his half-witted apology.

Adams has responded that he will never get custody, but left open the possibility of visitation.

Adams states:

“Chancellor will be raised either by me or, after I’m gone, by someone else who loves him and who knows him. He will never be raised by a stranger – someone he doesn’t know and who tried to kill him.”

Chancellor grandmother adds:

“I would welcome receiving some visitation papers from him. I never have gotten any, but I do welcome a conversation with him. He can have some supervised visitation with his son – I am open to that. I have mixed feelings about him breaking his silence. In some ways, he sounds more mature than he did. I’m glad to hear of the repentance and of his relationship with God. But what I’m also hearing is some of the same old self-centered Rae.”


| WBTV Charlotte