When it comes to the Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder Yasiel Puig there is such a thing as a ‘Stupid Question,’ and he doesn’t take kind to them!!!
Flip and see what brought out Yasiel Puig’s Cuban temper…

Photo: Denis Poroy/Getty Images
CelebNSports247.com just got word over the weekend that one of the MLB’s biggest up-and-coming stars, Yasiel Puig, is NOT a fan of stupid commentary!
Puig wasn’t the most receptive when he was asked about taking ab back seat during spring training.
In fact, Yasiel Puig ended up CLAPPING BACK when he classified some commentary ‘stupid.’ Puig, who is known for a carefree cadence of his speech, was heated. Basically he revealed his Cuban temper stating:
“I’m not concerned with what is said or asked by people like you,” wrote Dylan Hernandez of the Los Angeles Times. I don’t listen to that, what we could call, in my country, stupid commentary. I’m focused on my work, not every stupid question.”
After Puig snapped at the first question, so a second was asked. This time rephrased, asking him “what he would consider a smart question?”
The Cuban hunk said:
“I don’t know. You can’t hope for anything from these people. They have never asked anything intelligent, anything important.”
Puig had a bumpy 2016, being demoted to the club’s A+ team in Rancho Cucamonga. He worked hard to get back to the MLB, but he had to climb the ladder. Before getting back with the Dodgers, he moved to AAA team in Oklahoma City. He played for the Dodgers in the last part of the season in 2016. However, his position for 2017 is NOT guaranteed if he’ll start. In fact, Puig could be a part-time player, even a reserve. Or even worse, he could be traded at any minute or sent back down to the minors again.
We will keep you posted…