ersColin Kaepernick may not be on a team yet, but his silent protest made an impact. Kaep’s 49ers uniform will now go down in black history at The Smithsonian.
Read on about Colin Kaepernick 49ers uniform silent protest heading to The Smithsonian…

AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez is happy to announce that Kaepernick’s uniform is one of many vital pieces being added to the museum of sports history.
He may not be on a NFL team yet, but Kaepernick is immortalized in history for his humanitarian accomplishments. Colin Kaepernick’s uniform will be seen in the National Museum of African American History and Culture. Though his San Francisco 49ers uniform is yet to be on display.
Colin Kaepernick museum details:
According to Dr. Harry Edwards, 49ers psychologist, several pieces of memorabilia from Kaep have been sent off to the museum.
The eminent sociologist, himself a piece of walking history, helped with a game-changers exhibit that illuminates the impact of sports figures at the Smithsonian’s newest attraction.
Edwards told USA TODAY Sports:
“I said, ‘Don’t wait 50 years to try to get some memorabilia and so forth on Kaepernick. ‘Let me give you a game jersey, some shoes, a picture … And it should be put right there alongside Muhammad Ali. He’s this generation’s Ali.’”
The items were sent off immediately but are not yet on display. Expect them to be included in the museum within the next year or two, according to the Smithsonian’s curator of sports, Damion Thomas.