Russell Westbrook’s Wife Nina Westbrook Sounds Off on Twitter

Russell Westbrook's Wife Nina Westbrook Sounds Off on Twitter

Russell Westbrook’s Wife Nina Westbrook Sounds Off on Twitter!

Nina Westbook has been speaking her mind on social media when it comes to her husband Russell Westbook saying that she is tired of “being harassed on a daily basis over basketball games…”


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A post shared by Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) reports that Los Angeles Lakers point guard Russell Westbrook wife posted a series of Tweets that she is tired of being harassed.

Russell Westbrook’s wife Nina Westbrook wrote to her followers:

Westbrook added during his press conference:

It hit me like damn, I can no longer allow people, you know, for example, ‘Westbrick’ to me is now shaming. Like it’s shaming my name, my legacy for my kids. It’s a name that means more, not just to me, but to my wife, to my mom, my dad—the ones that kind of paved the way for me. And that’s just one example. That kind of hit myself and my wife in a place where it’s not great, man.

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